第14航空軍第373重轟炸 周樹桐 (1918~1943)

附錄:一位在臉書群組「308th Bomb Group (H)」中的美國朋友Alan Starcher所提供的失事報告資訊:
      B-24D 42-40848 "FLAMINGO," pilot Capt. William Chenoweth, copilot Maj. Edward Shultz, was lost on Mission 12, July 29, 1943. A CAF pilot listed on the roster was Lt. Chow, which apparently is Lt. Chou Su-Tong. The airplane ran out of gas returning from the mission (believed to be due to the added weight of the ball turret). Lt. Chou spilled his parachute inside the airplane in preparation to bail out. The rest of the crew bailed out safely, and Capt. Chenoweth & Maj. Schultz attempted to land (to save Lt. Chou's life) in a rice paddy. They soft landed, but hit a dike, collapsing the nose, killing all three 


失事飛機殘骸–拍攝時間大約在7/29/1943 的4:30pm 

資料來源: 《空軍官校第十期 畢業八十周年紀念冊》第61-62頁


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